Altered Carbon: Reseleeved

This animated movie of the Altered Carbon series is a prequel to the first season, set 1 year after the

Envoys were wiped out and showing us how Tanaseda and Takeshi met. This movie would be

considered an anime movie and the style used would be more akin to other anime than to

western animated shows. For those that don't watch anime, this could be a huge detracting factor

due to the radical difference in style and presentation between this movie and the live-action series.

With a run time of around an hour and the fact that this is a prequel, it doesn't really matter if you

watch this movie or not. It is not going to change your perspective of the series as a whole but it does

flesh out the world of Altered Carbon a bit more and gives us a new style of presentation that most

people can appreciate it. The animators really used the advantage of color that animation brings to

really make the visuals on-screen pop, enhancing the action and the sci-fi feel. Following the trend of

most anime, I highly recommend the Japanese dub over the English one because the

Japanese dub is the original for this series and fits more with the style. This could also just be my

personal preference but I thought the voice for the new character Holly was way more annoying in

English and the Japanese voices felt like they brought more characterization than their English

counterparts. The story and plot was nothing extraordinary, you can clearly tell that having only

an hour was a huge restraint to the narrative of the movie. As such the story pales in comparison

in terms of quality and complexity compared to the two seasons of Altered Carbon. But that is

expected for a movie to show comparison and the movie makes it up by throwing non-stop anime

goody action that makes the hour of run time a very enjoyable one. The way the animators played

around with the colour red and blood splatter really demonstrated the capabilities of animation

compared to live-action.

Image result for altered carbon resleeved

Although that is not to say there isn't some good twists and developments

that comes from this movie. This movie is focused on fleshing out the different Yakuza syndicates

throughout the galaxy of Altered Carbon and building up the beginning Tanaseda's relationship with

Takeshi that we didn't get to see in the two seasons of Altered Carbon. We also get to see the bit of

what Takeshi's sister Reileen was doing during this point of the timeline for the series. Overall

I really had a blast with this form of Altered Carbon due to the heighten action sequences that

animation brings that live-action can't match. In terms of enjoyment, I would this 8.5 out of 10 the

same rating I gave season 2 of Altered Carbon but I would say that I enjoyed this for the action and

animation rather than the story that live-action series excels at but they are equally enjoyable to me.

With the ending of this movie implying for more installments of animated features in the Altered

Carbon Universe, I'm really looking forward to what they do next.


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