Clone Wars Season 7 Ep 12 "Victory and Death" Series Finale Review
I have no words to describe how amazing the final episode of Clone Wars was because none of that
would do the episode justice. The music and sound for this final episode was above and beyond
anything I have ever heard from any show let alone animated shows. From the opening score in the
beginning to the sound of the ship crumbling throughout the episode to the final score, in the end, it
really was a whole another level that equals or even surpasses that of the saga films. The sequence of
Maul going full Star Killer with his force abilities destroying the hyperdrive was so fucking insane
to see, I honestly question why he needed to ever to wield a lightsaber based on the force abilities he
demonstrated but it was an amazing treat. He also showed up Darth Vader by force choking two
people at the same time. Rex and Ahsoka had one of the best moment in the series when all the
remaining 501st had them surrounded in the docking bay where before going to confront their
friends and family Ahsoka refused to harm them herself despite Rex telling her they don't care and
are willing to die just to kill them while shedding a tear under his helmet was just so powerful.
This is probably my favorite moment from Rex in the whole series, Rex who is forever bonded with
his brothers were willing to kill them to save himself and Ahsoka. Despite handicapping themselves
in a life or death situation, Ahsoka stayed true to her beliefs in not harming the innocent which in this
case would be the 501st who are following orders they can not refuse due to the inhibitor chips.
Another standout moment was when Ahsoka demonstrated some crazy force powers by holding a
starfighter in place while Maul was trying to blast off out of the hanger, if not for the fact that she
was getting shot up by clones she probably would have been able to bring the ship back down.
An even more insane sequence that I didn't think would ever happen in an animated show was the
free-falling of a crumbling star cruiser with Ahsoka flying through the air with the debris while
trying to climb into Rex's ship. Ahsoka dropping her lightsaber in front of the graves she created for
the 501st clones was a heartbreaking moment for me. The ending of this episode gave me so many
chills, with a newly minted Darth Vader visiting crash site of the 501st star cruiser that is now
covered in snow and picking up Ahsoka's abandoned lightsaber. This whole episode was non-stop
insane action sequences with the best character moments of the series sprinkled throughout on top of
animation that levels that rival big-budget animated movies and sound that rivals that of the Star
Wars movies. This episode will cement this final arc of the clone wars as the best in the series and
making this animated series, one to be remembered as of one the greats for years to come. I have a
crazy hard time in picking which one of the final 3 episodes is my favorite. All three episodes do
different things and excels at it but regardless if I were to rate this finale critically then this one is the
best in terms of the quality of animation and sound. I'm sad that it is over but I'm happy that I was
able to witness it in its full glory.
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