Clone Wars Season 7 Ep 11 "Shattered" Review

"All my Gawd!!" (Joseph Joestar), that was my reaction the whole time watching this episode. The

atmosphere amplified by the music coupled with the knowledge that order 66 was about to happen

gave me goosebumps and a great amount of anxiety that rivals that of a great thriller movie. This

episode starts off with Ahsoka saying her farewells with Bo Katan and walking into a holo meeting

with Windu, Yoda, Ki Ai Mundi, and Aayla Secura discussing the detainment of the Chancellor.

Everyone who has watched Revenge of the Sith should know at that moment that order 66 was very

close to happening. Seeing Ahsoka walking through lines of clone troopers while escorting Maul on

to a Republic ship was honestly making my heart go 200 beats a second despite me already knowing

that Ahsoka survives order 66. That is a testament to how good this episode was, despite already

knowing Ahsoka is in no danger of dying I was still very worried for her due to how tense and bleak

the situation seems to be. Hearing the exact scene of Windu reflecting Darth Sidious's lightning back

on him then Anakin striking Windu was a great touch that really showed the importance of that exact

moment for the story of Star Wars.

Mace Windu | Wookieepedia | Fandom

When the order occurs right after, seeing Rex succumb to Order 66 really broke my heart, but it was

so cool seeing Ahsoka deflect blaster fire from all directions and escape. Another really great

moment was when Maul thought he was about to get executed but he was struggling helplessly with

his restraints and the close up of his eyes really showed true fear. Seeing Ahsoka tell Maul straight

up that she was using him as a distraction and nothing more, was so cool because it really shows how

much she really hates him and how ruthless she can be. Despite this ruthlessness, we see that Ahsoka

tries to not harm the clones if she can help it because at the end of the day she fought and bleed with

these guys for most of the time she was with the Jedi Order. Seeing this contrast with Maul throwing

chunks of metal decapitating clones left and right, really showed the difference between the two. The

ending of the episode was bittersweet, with Ahsoka succeeding in removing Rex's inhibitor chip but

learning straight from Rex that every clone is under control of the inhibitor chip and are executing

order 66. Like the previous two episodes, this episode has different parts that make it so great but

regardless of that, this will also be 10 out of 10 in terms of enjoyment for me. This final arc really is

the pinnacle of the series and the level of quality is on a whole other level compared to the rest of the

series. It's not that all the other episodes of the series are bad on the contrary they are pretty good but

they really pale in comparison to these final episodes. I can't wait for the final episode but also dread

ending of such an amazing show. 


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