Kipo Season 2 Review
Wow, Kipo season 2 really took what was great about its first season and took it up a couple of notches, making an even greater season than it's first. Season one took it's time world-building and introducing us to our main cast of characters. It also most importantly set up questions that would be ultimately be answered in season 2. One of the best parts of season 2 was the payoffs to the questions set up by the first season. From Kipo's powers to Kipo's mother to Scarlemagne's relationship with Kipo's parents and much more. Not only did we get big payoffs to a lot of questions but we also got huge payoffs in terms of character arcs. Kipo's arc this season is very derivative of the chosen one stereotype where the main character has learned to control her powers in order to save everyone but has to overcome mental barriers to do so. This in itself is very common in coming of age stories but the way that Kipo's arc is tied to learning he...